Tesla’s Love is the blog for and about people who love animals. No one here cares whether it walks, crawls, swims, slithers, hobbles or knows how to fly, if there is a story about an animal that you love or loves you, this is the place to share that story. The story can be a tribute, a love story or a memorial. It can be about you, this truly is a site for people. Send your story and photos to teslaslove@gmail.com and we promise to post it here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Prison pups

In a doggone to jail tale, NPR is reporting that there is a prison program that teams inmates with pups, to teach the four-legged students skills such a bomb sniffing and how to be service dogs. Nearly 500 dogs have been trained in the program, the story says.
While prison is not a pleasant place, it's doubtful the pups find it anything but a place where they get a lot of attention, love and a good education.

Read the full story here